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The paintings are about the possibilities of new combinations that expand the idea of how things can change in infinite possibilities. I hope that you the viewer, will look at them and see something different every time you look at them.
On first sight, its all about fun, its about love, its about joy and its about color, but when you look at in depth, it goes much deeper. A lot of thought and reasoning with oneself goes on, before the picture of project starts to develop. Your mood, emotions and inner state of mind and soul are reflected in the work of art.
Looking at fashion trends today, you can take off. Create images of mannequins on boutique windows in accordance with fashion trends, I dress mannequins, create suitable window decorations and give them life. It is enough to stand in front of the window for one minute. You can fall in love with some outfit. But it is very important to follow all the rules of the brand and convey them in the appearance of the mannequin. But if you are looking for creations and designs for the perfect fashion showcases, ask me how to do it. I’m here for you.
About Me
You won’t confuse Olga la Rosa’s site with anyone else’s…

A Little Intro
Рositive and successful result-oriented leadership. Reputation of disciplined and responsible manager. Innovative and creative, attentive to details in the overall picture vision and business development strategy. Dedication to Company. good taste, knowledge of trends in the fashion. Possesses the appropriate skills and experience to deliver on an ongoing base high quality and unique art installations which helped to position the department stores on a very attractive and outstanding level.
About myself
High dedication, her ongoing commitment and her reliability to deliver the projects on time and budget was far beyond the expected. In addition her brought network within the art community and her strong know how to select well qualified production companies leaded always to excellent installation results.
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