What I Do
Let your imagination run wilde

Abstract. This is how I See My Paintings
My art is connected with my DNA, with sinusoidal of my feelings, with extreme feelings, pushed to the limits. I am painter with international exposure.
Abstract. This is how I see my paintings . I do not paint from nature, I create an image from collective memory, bank of memories. From there they go on to abstraction. I show a vision of a constructed world, with my own words. To me, the relation between colors, lines, their weight and occurring tensions and finally the forces ruling the composition are important.
I mix colors and created line is a result of colors in action. My paintings are the analysis of relation between space and mass, color and surface, space and force.


Art, Fashion, Design
- Developing ideas, conception ,creations ,production ,budgeting of art installations, windows, objects;
- For departments stores, boutiques;
- Full Project management responsibility;
- Full controlling production and onsite supervision.

Master Classes
- Creation of visual-merchandising team, training, coordination, control;
- Master classes for visual-merchandising team organization;
- Merchandising strategy and the concept development and implementation. Brand;
- Books production;
- Creation of staff uniform.

Start Up
- Design, production collateral materials (shopping bags, hangers, packing materials etc.);
- Working with all ongoing store development projects (new concept for changing rooms, navigation schemes, shop interior);
- Supervision of all in-store installation along with the visual merchandise teams’ overnights .

- Creation of visual-merchandising team, training, coordination, control;
- Master classes for visual-merchandising team organization;
- Merchandising strategy and the concept development and implementation;
- Researching and keeping on top of all international retail trends to make sure.
Painting Master Classes Or Private Master Classes
Abstraction – from Latin word- distraction- / pointless. Non-fiction art. Abstract art can be considered the beginning of modern energy painting. Abstraction does not carry a specific meaning – this is a feelings, emotions, senses. Abstract painting, in difference from realism. Impact on the emotional and energy state of a man instantly. And the artist, possessing this knowledge, is able to heal with his creativity, give people joy, make the best changes in human life!
And the first emotion will be the most correct! Remember your first emotion from seeing a painting. This is what you immediately felt: joy, calmness, silence, celebration, lightness, or the opposite. Your picture will seem to be drawn to you and you will want to look and look at it.
There are very different techniques, sometimes you won’t even need a brushes: yes ,you can by yourself design an original method of applying paints on the surface. You just practice and get any experiences practice is the basis of knowledge! Only during the creative process, the most interesting ideas are born and a variety of technicians will help to implement them on canvas.
The main condition for the independent creation of abstract painting you can call the bold of ideas and the decision in their implementation: when creating artistic abstraction, it is extremely important to release consciousness from the restricting stamps and with a light heart, a firm hand to produce strokes, lubricants, color light water don’t give on points if you can do this, then the creative process will turn into a meditation giving rest of your head and nervous system, distracting from day-to-day care and anxious thoughts.
- Distraction
- Pointless
- Non-fiction
- Abstraction
My Expertise
I am creating abstract visions of the constructed world.